Population growths have significant roles to play in the sustainability of the natural system. The changing of lifestyle, consumption patterns and land-use directly affects the structure and the balancing of resources system. Moreover, High levels of consumption and industrialization, inequality in wealth and land use distribution, inappropriate government policies, poverty and inefficient technologies contribute depletion of the natural and energy resources.

Some of the problems will arise from the uncontrolled exploitation of natural and energy resources, such as the depletion of fossil fuels, deforestation, greenhouse gases increase, water pollution and soil erosion, which in turn lead to environmental degradation and major health problems.

After Successful in the previous event with 200 selected paper waiting for scopus published. We invite for 3rd 2018 Icenis on August 14th – 15th, 2018 at Santika Hotel Premier Semarang. With the theme “Strengthening Planning and Implementation of Energy, Environment and Information System Toward Low Carbon Society “