School of postgraduate studies will conduct studium generale titled “SET YOUR HIGHEST GOALS EXECUTE, ENJOY THE PROCESS”.
This event will be held on Tuesday 11th February 2025, 9 am, at postgraduate studies TTB A building.

This event inviting 2 notable guest. The first is The Executive Advisor of PT. Toyota Motor Manufacturing
Ir. Warih Andang Tjahjono, M.T. and Prof. Ir. Mochamad Agung Wibowo, M.M., M.Sc., Ph.D. as a dean of School of Postgraduate Studies Diponegoro University.

This studium generale event was meant to help the student to understand the essence of the purpose of life and appreciate every journey that they make.
It should be noted that the output of this event will help the student to achieve greater potential of their own.